Beyond Textbooks (BT) is an evidence-based approved program that has been approved by the Arizona Department of Education. WestEd, a research, development, and services agency, completed a Correlational Study on the use of Beyond Textbooks Framework to Raise Student Achievement Scores.
BT provides a framework, scope and sequence, and resources for teachers to plan lessons and engage students in content with the depth and rigor required by the Arizona State Standards.
Be sure to access the Beyond Textbooks Parent Portal. No login is required. Once inside, you will have access to:
"What is Beyond Textbooks?" - a short video explaining BT's mission and another video with teacher testimonials.
"What is My Child Learning, and How Can I Help?" - a link to helpful websites and access to all essential standards by grade level and content.
"Benchmark/Quarterly Review Handbooks" - access to K-8 benchmark handbooks in English and Spanish.
"Dinnertime Conversations" - great articles and books for parents
"What is Reteach and Enrich" - a short video on the reteach/enrich process and information on common formative assessments.
"Character Education" - resources focused on the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors important for people to have as responsible citizens.
All teachers may utilize enVisionmath2.0 to supplement the standards they are teaching through the Beyond Textbooks framework. enVisionmath2.0 is a comprehensive math curriculum for grades K-5. It proves the focus, coherence, and rigor needed to meet the standards. Project-based learning, visual learning strategies, and the ability for the teacher to customize instruction empower both the teacher and the student.
As some general guidelines, it is essential to remember that K-5 math instruction now focuses more on problem-solving, reasoning, and understanding in addition to efficient computation. Learning tasks are designed to develop concepts, not just promote efficient computation; therefore, a young child will build deep understanding that leads to better skills and fluency. More than that, struggle means your child is learning. When a student puts in the effort to think, the brain creates new pathways and connections. This is called "cognitive sweat." The first math standard for all K-12 students is to Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Please help your child build that perseverance by allowing them to work through a difficult problem-solving task without first memorizing the shortcuts.
Utilizing the Beyond Textbooks framework and scope and sequence, our teachers also use Wit and Wisdom, a curriculum from GreatMinds (Board Approved on May 9th after a 60-day review), to teach the standards. Students read and study award-winning fiction and nonfiction texts, famous works of art, videos, and photographs. These texts expand student's curiosity. Students learn about compelling topics such as the five senses, outer space, the Great Depression, and more. Through their work with these topics and texts, students hone their abilities to read challenging texts and to write and speak logically and effectively. Through the Wit and Wisdom curriculum, students build strong knowledge and skills.
Mystery Science aligns with the Arizona 2018 Science Standards. Each lesson (exploration and activity) is designed to take one hour per week. Under the direction of the teacher, extensions can expand upon each lesson. Teachers can also utilize mini-lessons which are 5-minute videos that answer K-5 student questions and can be used as a jumping-off point to engage learners for a complete lesson planned by the teacher. Teachers are encouraged to also incorporate their science instruction into their ELAR and math instruction.
To view the scope of the Mystery Science and Arizona Standards Alignment and the lessons and activities that can be utilized, CLICK HERE.
The social studies content is aligned to the Arizona Social Studies standards, which have been approved by the Arizona Department of Education. Teachers may use many ELA resources to find content for social studies. Hulet Elementary School intends to provide students with an age-appropriate historical outlook that respects diversity and varying perspectives. Students are encouraged to take the historical facts and develop insights and opinions that help mold their worldview.
i-Ready is an online program for reading that will help your student's teacher(s) determine your student's needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year.
i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase student learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts questions to suit your student's needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.
i-Ready Personalized instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill levels and needs, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn.
NewsELA is an engaging and flexible instructional content platform that complements the ELA, social studies, and science curriculum. This is aligned with the Arizona ELA and Science Standards. NewsELA can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
Fundations for Students in Second and Third Grade
Research indicates that systematic and explicit phonics instruction is effective for all children. Fundations provide a systematic and explicit approach to reading and spelling with phonics. Fundations combine this instruction with the reading of good literature, which is just as crucial for your child's development.
Fundations are systematic because they follow a very definite sequence for teaching and a very definite procedure to teach those concepts. Fundations are explicit because this program does not leave room for guessing. It teaches all concepts directly. As the year progresses, the teachers may send home guides and activities which will help support your child's learning.