Indian Wells utilizes a curriculum that supports academic rigor aligned with the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards
Indian Wells Elementary is located on the Navajo Reservation in Northeast Arizona. Our closest towns are Dilkon and Holbrook. We draw students from Dilkon, Greasewood, Whitecone, Holbrook, and the surrounding areas.
Kindergarten | 28 |
First Grade | 48 |
Second Grade | 30 |
Third Grade | 46 |
Fourth Grade | 38 |
Fifth Grade | 46 |
Sixth Grade | 34 |
Overall Enrollment | |
Asian | N/A |
Black or African American | N/A |
Hispanic or Latino | 4.3% |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 90% |
Two or More Races | 4.8% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | N/A |
White | Less than 1% |
*Enrollment fluctuates throughout the school year.
Kindergarten | 13:1 |
First Grade | 24:1 |
Second Grade | 15:1 |
Third Grade | 23:1 |
Fourth Grade | 19:1 |
Fifth Grade | 23:1 |
Sixth Grade | 17:1 |
We are Roadrunners
Strategic Planning for Instructional Effectiveness
Indian Wells Elementary
Goal: By May 2025, Indian Wells Elementary will ensure all students 3rd-6th demonstrate academic growth by increasing State-Wide testing to > than 50% passing in ELA.
Instructional Strategy: Teachers will increase students’ ability to create meaningful connections between real-life connections and class.
Strategy: Meet the needs of all students through Response to Intervention (RTI) and the Intervention Assistance Team (IAT).
Strategy: Deepen student learning through real-world connections, cross-curricular content integration, project-based learning, and performance-based assessments.
Strategy: Expand effective instructional practices through increased teacher collaboration, teacher modeling, and professional development.
Strategy: Create creative, and critical thinking learning environments.
Goal: By May 2025, Indian Wells Elementary will ensure all students 3rd-6th demonstrate academic growth by increasing State-Wide testing to > than 50% passing in Math
Instructional Strategy: Teachers will implement interactive instruction, such as blended learning, hands-on learning experiential learning, through scaffold instruction that meets the needs of individual learners.
Strategy: Meet the needs of all students through Response to Intervention (RTI) and the Intervention Assistance Team (IAT).
Strategy: Deepen student learning through real-world connections, cross-curricular content integration, project-based learning, and performance-based assessments.
Strategy: Expand effective instructional practices through increased teacher collaboration, teacher modeling, and professional development.
Strategy: Create creative, and critical thinking learning environments.
Goal: By May 2025, Indian Wells Elementary School will increase student awareness of what bullying is, how to report it, and ensure all students learn in a supportive, safe, and nurturing environment.
Instructional Strategy: Support proactive and transparent communication with stakeholders to foster trust and collaboration.
Strategy: Implement school-wide PBIS include all stakeholders.
Strategy: Provide professional development on classroom management, teacher-student relationship building, de-escalation, implicit bias, and behavior intervention plans.
Strategy: Provide student leadership opportunities
Strategy: Restructure school detention to integrate strategies to include how to change inappropriate behaviors.
Strategy: Implement Social-Emotional Curriculum/teaching into the weekly schedule.
School-Wide Programs and Offerings
Sports Cross Country Pee-Wee Cross Country Volleyball Flag Football Basketball Soccer Softball | Title I Tutoring ELL Tutoring Power of 5 Tutoring | Reteach/Enrich PBIS | District-Wide Spelling Bee | Family Fun and Fitness Night |
Summer School | Student Council | Native American Appreciation Week | Family Nights | Family Reading and Math Nights |
Special Education Services | Daily Math and Reading Intervention | Bully Free | Bike Program | Class Field Trips |
After School STEM Club | Quality First 3-Star Rating | WIN TIME | Achieve3000 | 6th Grade Ukulele Instruction |
Fundations - Reading Program | Write Tools | Beyond Textbooks Scope and Sequence | EnVision Mathematics | Blended Learning |
Project-Based Learning | Mindplay-Virtual Reading Coach | Triumph Learning Digital Reading Coach | Read 180 | Read Naturally |
Homeless Liaison | Speech Therapy | Occupational and Physical Therapy | Counseling Services | Chromebooks |
Wit and Wisdom | Small-Group Instruction | Free Breakfast and Free Lunch | Music Class | On-Site |