Many students submitted Science Fair Projects to the Regional Science Fair in Snowflake. We are proud of our students and their efforts; here is a list of students who placed at the Science Fair. First Place: Dallas Hayes Darris Manygoats Tayla Larson Cadence Taylor, Tasheena John, Gabby Gallegos, and Jonah Sruh Easton Carhonneau, Weston Hunsaker, Caden Armer, and Michael Salazar Second Place Winners: Mrs. Moyte's Class Sadie Smith and Jasmine Knight Hermoine Uribe and Elyssa Nabors Kiyann Lee Shelby Reid Ali Warner Jacoben Maestas Hunter Maxwell Kaylin Charley Jazmine Jordan Third Place Winners: Mrs. Holley's Class Aaliyah Quintana and Kashlie Bielefeldt Students who received a first-place ribbon can submit their projects to the State Science Fair. #whenoneroadrunnersucceedsweallsucceed
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Science Fair Winners Clip Art
We are getting excited for the 2023-2024 Kindergarten students. If you have a child turning 5 before September 1, 2023 and will be entering Kindergarten here is an opportunity for them to come meet the Kindergarten Teachers and take a tour of Park Elementary School. Please see the attached flier for more details and call 928-524-6138 to reserve your 1-hour time slot on Friday, May 5th.
almost 2 years ago, Nichole Tow
Transition Day
Mrs. Traci spoke with United Portraits this morning, and we have rescheduled our Spring pictures for Thursday, April 20, 2023! Thank you all again for your flexibility!
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Spring Pictures 2/20/23
Mark Your Calendars for Hulet Spring Picture Day Thursday, March 2nd See attached flier for more details.
almost 2 years ago, Nichole Tow
Hulet Picture Day
Come and see all of the awesome Science Fair Projects! See attached flier for more details.
almost 2 years ago, Nichole Tow
Science Fair
Love is in the air! Tomorrow, our students will be celebrating Valentine's at school. Please get in touch with your child's teacher regarding their plans for parties. We ask that you not deliver items to the office for us to deliver to the students. Due to transportation regulations, students will not be permitted on the bus with balloons, vases of flowers, or large stuffed animals that don't fit into their bags. If you choose to deliver items to school, they will be delivered to the students during the last hour of the day. Thank you for helping our unique students excel together!
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Valentines graphic
Parent-Teacher Conferences Thursday, February 16th! Early release on Thursday, February 16th on half-day release schedule! Conferences 1 pm to 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at HJHS and HHS. Park and Hulet conferences scheduled with each teacher as needed as Hulet and Park participate in the Academic Parent Teacher Teams nights. Indian Wells will host conferences on March 9th at IWES. Thank you for being involved in your child's education!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Please join Park and Hulet Elementary in celebrating Kindness Week, February 13th-17th! See attached flier for dress up days!
almost 2 years ago, Nichole Tow
Kindness Week Flier
Our Food Service Director, Ray McLaws came to Hulet to speak out our breakfast and lunch programs. Some highlights he shared were: - for each lunch, you must take three items and one of them has to be a fruit or vegetable. - students are encouraged to take a milk, but it is not required. - any of the required foods do not need to be consumed, but must be taken. - students must have a full tray and punch in their number to move through the line. If you have any questions regarding our food service program, be sure to reach out to Mr. McLaws at
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Mr McLaws presenting
Roadrunners Everywhere! Sean Tyler (Class of 2006) is the School Resource Officer Sergeant for Goodyear Police Department! Ran into Sean at the School Connect conference today! Thanks for serving Sean and thanks for being a Roadrunner! Once A Roadrunner, Always A Roadrunner!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
Hulet Elementary students gave their letters to the Hashknife riders this afternoon. Our students look forward to this tradition and the opportunity to share letters with the one’s they love the most. Good luck on your journey Riders!
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
third grade students ready with letters
second grade students delivering letters
fifth grade student delivering letters
Hulet Elementary students gave their letters to the Hashknife riders this afternoon. Our students look forward to this tradition and the opportunity to share letters with the one’s they love the most. Good luck on your journey Riders!
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
third grade students ready with letters
second grade students delivering letters
fifth grade student delivering letters
Cliff Johns, one of the first Native American basketball players at University of Arizona and Holbrook Girls Assistant Coach Elisha Johns-Aberle, played at San Diego State University, were recognized by the Phoenix Suns during Native American Heritage Month. Congrats Coach John’s- Aberle!
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Koerperich
The District Spelling Bee was hosted yesterday. Hulet Elementary had 19 students participating in the Bee! Congratulations to all of the spellers! Ayano Sakurai finished in second place! Joining Ayano at the County Bee is Dylan Dewitt, Aaliyah Quintana as well as Shawn Major and Jazmine Jordan as alternates. Hulet is proud of you! #WhenOneRoadrunnerSucceeds
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Spelling Bee Winners
Arizona State Treasurer Kimberly Yee is challenging Arizona students to dream, draw and win with the launch of the second annual ASZ529 Future Career Art Contest. It is an opportunity for students to share their career goals and win $529 towards making those dreams come true. All entries must be submitted starting January 30th either online to // or through direct mail. Entries must be received by March 5, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (MST).
about 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Art contest flyer
Students at Hulet have “tackled” a hundred days of school. Over the next 80 days we will refine what we’ve learned so far and extend our thinking even further. Thank you for supporting your students the past 100 days!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
hundred days second and third
hundred day fourth and fifth
Remember, Hulet Elementary offers free breakfast to all. Must be in the cafeteria by 7:55 am to receive your breakfast before school starts!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Breakfast Image
Hulet families please join us for our second Academic Parent Teacher Team meeting on Wednesday, January 18th to see the progress your child has made and learn new games to help your child with new skills. See the attached flier for more details.
about 2 years ago, Nichole Tow
Hulet APTT #2
Happy New Year Roadrunners! What are your resolutions for personal, academic, and social success for 2023?! Comment below!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Happy New Year
For those of you celebrating Kwanzaa beginning today, we hope that it is happy and prosperous!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Fosburgh
Happy Kwanzaa image