Holbrook Unified School District is is committed to creating a safe, welcoming environment for students, staff members, and visitors. The most important responsibility of all District employees is the safety of our students.
Parents are familiar with the school safety plan and the school discipline code.
Parents are responsible for monitoring the behavior of their sons and daughters.
Students want--and are entitled to--a safe, orderly school environment in which to learn.
Students develop a sense of responsibility for contributing to the improvement of school order and safety. Members of all peer groups participate actively in implementation, and enforcement of discipline policy and programs.
Administrators provide leadership in assessing, developing, and monitoring the safe-school plan.
Administrators establish a continuous system of school crime tracking, reporting, and feedback, and provide this information to concerned parties. Administrators design a school environment that respects individual differences and creates an environment in which bullying is not tolerated.
Administrators adopt procedures for emergency evacuation and crisis management.
Administrators work with county, city, and school personnel in evaluating the state of school safety, and proposing revisions to the school discipline code and school safety plan as deemed necessary.
Teachers respond to students in a caring and non-shaming manner. They also provide consistent and firm guidelines and rules regarding student behavior.
Teachers consider the teaching and modeling of pro-social behavior to be as important as the teaching of academic subjects.
Teachers display diligent and impartial behavior when supervising students. They use a consistent and prompt manner to grant rewards for good behavior and sanctions for unacceptable behavior.
Teachers participate in the implementation of the school safety plan, discipline code, bullying, and racial and sexual harassment policy. They also play a responsible part in the implementation of such policies by promptly and consistently reporting incidents of misbehavior, crime, violence, and harassment.
Mitigation is the cornerstone of emergency management. It's the continuing effort to lessen the impact disasters have on people and property. Mitigation is defined as "sustained action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and their effects. In our District, this includes hazard free schools, playgrounds and facilities. It involves safety procedures in place and monitoring. http://www.accem.org/phases.html
The links below are on prevention and treatment of pandemic flu.
Preparedness takes the form of plans or procedures designed to save lives and to minimize damage when an emergency occurs. Planning, training, and disaster drills are the essential elements of preparedness. These activities ensure that when a disaster strikes, emergency managers will be able to provide the best response possible. Disasters are caused by gale-force winds, floods, releases of deadly chemicals, fire, ice, earthquakes, and other natural and man-made hazards. When disaster strikes, the best protection is knowing what to do. http://www.accem.org/phases.html
Response is defined as the actions taken to save lives and prevent further damage in a disaster or emergency situation. Response is putting preparedness plans into action. Response activities may include damage assessment, search and rescue, fire fighting, and sheltering victims. https://adacounty.id.gov/emergencymanagement/
Shelter in Place
Offsite Accident
Communicating with parents
Recovery is defined as the actions taken to return the community to normal following a disaster. Repairing, replacing, or rebuilding property are examples of recovery. https://adacounty.id.gov/emergencymanagement/