Amazing Roadrunners!
The facility services & custodial crew have done a wonderful job setting up for graduation!
Some of the finest Roadrunners we have!
Great job everyone! Will be a wonderful celebration!

Preschool Graduation!
Friday May, 20th
9-10 AM
Outside @ the Basketball Courts

It is time to return the ECF (at home) Chromebooks that were issued earlier this school year.
Please begin returning Chromebooks to IWE Secretary.

S.T.E.A.M parent night! April 28th! 4:30-6:30 PM

Volunteers from Oregon to Colorado are helping construct a bike trail that IWES students, community members and bike enthusiasts can use! First of a kind! Thank you to everyone for making the bike trail a reality!!!

Ben Williams- Class of 2013!
Benjamin Williams has accepted a PhD position at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC for the fall of 2022.
Ben just received his Masters Degree in Neuroscience from BYU.
Mr. & Mrs. Williams noted, “We couldn't be more proud and grateful he got such a great start at HUSD”!
Way to go Benjamin!

Greetings Roadrunners!
A reminder there will be no school on Friday for Easter holiday. We look forward to students and staff returning on Monday!

Keep up to date on your child’s academic progress on the HUSD app! The HUSD 3 app now has an Infinite Campus link in the app!
Check grades, attendance and stay updated on your child’s progress!
Together we can Help our Unique Students Develop!

HJHS presents:
Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr.
Performances at the George Gardner Performing Arts Center!
7 pm Friday and Saturday!
Come enjoy this outstanding performance!

IWES is preparing for a bike path at the IWES school! The bike path will be used for PE, after school programs and community use!!!
We hope to design and build the bike
path on April 21, 22, & 23!
We will need volunteers! Mark your calendars!

Kindergarten transition day is coming!
May 5th, 2022
9:30-11:00 MST
Location: Indian Wells Elementary School
Students that are or are going to be 5-years old by September 1st are eligible to start Kindergarten in the 2022-2023 School Year.
Students will get to:
Meet the kindergarten teachers
See the kindergarten classes
Participate with the current kindergarten students
To register for this event or for more information, please contact:
Dawna Bitsoie
(928) 654-3622

We couldn’t be more excited to announce that Indian Wells has been selected to receive a Riding for Focus grant!
Riding for Focus is @Outride ’s school-based cycling education program, which uses cycling as a tool to promote physical, emotional, and social well-being in youth.
The program is designed to provide middle schools with everything they need to get their 6th-8th grade students riding, including bikes, helmets, and teacher training, and is currently in over 200 middle schools across North America!

Celebrating 100- Days of School at IWES!

Both the girls and boys basketball teams were selected by AIA referees for this year’s 3A sportsman award!
Each team will be recognized during Saturday’s championship games!
Congrats players, coaches, parents and fans!

Indian Wells Elementary School will be on a two hour delay on Thursday, February 24th due to snow and ice on roads and on the IWES campus. School will begin at 10 am. Thank you for your patience and teamwork to keep our students and staff safe this week! We look forward to educating your children at school tomorrow!

When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed!
Congrats to JJ Ramirez: STATE RUNNER UP!
Great job JJ, Coach Serna and the Roadrunner wrestling team!

Holbrook Boys Heading to FINAL 4!!!

Spring Picture Day is Wednesday March 2nd.

Manny Guerrero is the Elks Hoop Shoot State Champion in the 12-13 year old boys division!
Manny will be representing Arizona on February 26th in Las Vegas!
Many is a 6th grader at IWES!
Congrats Manny!
When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed!

Callie Orton (8-9 year old) & Payton Orton (12-13 year old) are Elks Hoop Shoot State Champions!
Both girls will represent Arizona at the western region hoop shoot contest in Las Vegas on February 26th!
Callie attends IWES and Payton attends HJHS! They are the daughters of HUSD teachers Dan and Roni Orton!
Good luck girls!
When One Roadrunner Succeeds, We All Succeed!